articles on mining in south africa

SA mining outlook: Challenges exist but opportunities abound

5 天之前  SA mining outlook: Challenges exist but opportunities abound. Yandi Mini, is a BCG Industrial Goods practitioner with a BCom in economics and finance and an Honours degree in


The Economic and Environmental Effects of Coal

2023年2月16日  The aim of this article is to provide an exposition of supply chain dynamics within the South African coal mining industry and to argue for a more efficient and collaborative supply chain.


South African Mining 2024 Outlook: Navigating

2024年1月30日  However, he emphasises that South Africa grapples with a unique crisis—an ailing infrastructure. The deteriorating state of infrastructure in the country has taken a heavy toll on the South African mining industry’s


Coal mining and environmental sustainability in South Africa: do ...

2022年10月18日  This study investigates the effects of coal mining on environmental sustainability in South Africa in relation to the moderating role of institutions. To achieve the study’s objectives, the fully modified least square (FMOLS), dynamic least squares (DOLS), canonical cointegrating regression (CCR), Bayer-Hanck cointegration and Toda-Yamamoto


Health and wellbeing needs and priorities in mining host

2022年1月11日  The global mining industry has an opportunity to mobilize resources to advance progress against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2018, the Anglo-American Group outlined aspirations for mining host communities to meet the SDG3 health targets. To progress from aspiration to action we designed and implemented a mixed-methods approach


South Africa’s Miners Addressing Climate Change Challenges - BCG

2022年6月9日  Key Challenges Facing South African Mining. Trade risk. South Africa ranks in the top 20 of most carbon-intensive global economies on an emissions-per-GDP basis. Indirect electricity-use-related emissions (Scope 2) make up the bulk (~77%) of total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions in the mining sector.


Spotlight: Mining law in South Africa - Lexology

2022年10月12日  In recent years, South Africa's mining industry has come under some pressure, as a result of creeping regulatory uncertainty, a shortage of electricity, ...


Community Perceptions on Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining

2022年10月25日  2. Description of the study area. The Bokoni platinum mine is one of the many mines in South Africa and has been in operation since 1963. The mine is situated about 80 km southeast of Polokwane City in Limpopo Province of South Africa with site coordinates of 24°17ʹ35.78”S and 29°51ʹ58.11”E (Figure 1).The mine sits on an undulating plain between a


Diamond exploration and mining in southern Africa: Some

2019年2月1日  In more than 150 years of mining history, southern Africa has consistently been the dominant producer of the world's diamond supply (McKechnie, 2019), producing some of the world's largest and ...


A history of mining in South Africa

M M ining in South Africa has been a contentious issue since 15-year-old Erasmus Stephanus Jacobs discovered South Africa’s first diamond, the Eureka, in Hopetown in 1867. It kickstarted what historians call the Mineral Revolution, which made few European opportunists wealthy beyond measure, and saw hundreds of thousands of men leaving their homes to become


An exploration of women's workplace experiences in the South African ...

From 2002, women's representation in the South African mining industry increased from 3% to 15% in 2018 (Minerals Council South Africa, 2018, p. 41). Although considerable progress has been made in terms of women's representation in the South African mining industry, men still dominate this industry.


Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining—With Special Reference to South

2023年3月25日  Gold mining has serious negative environmental impacts, especially due to pollution emanating from tailings storage facilities (TSFs, tailings dams, slimes dams). The most important forms of pollution from TSFs are acid mine drainage (AMD) and high levels of potentially toxic elements (PTEs). AMD arises from the high levels of pyrite in the mining ores,


Spotlight: Mining law in South Africa - Lexology

2022年10月12日  In recent years, South Africa's mining industry has come under some pressure, as a result of creeping regulatory uncertainty, a shortage of electricity, ...


Coal mining and environmental sustainability in South Africa: do ...

2022年10月18日  This study investigates the effects of coal mining on environmental sustainability in South Africa in relation to the moderating role of institutions. To achieve the study’s objectives, the fully modified least square (FMOLS), dynamic least squares (DOLS), canonical cointegrating regression (CCR), Bayer-Hanck cointegration and Toda-Yamamoto


How Does Mining Contribute To The Economy Of South Africa?

2024年2月9日  The History of Mining in South Africa. The history of mining in South Africa dates back to the 16th century when the Dutch and Germans started extracting gold and diamonds from the mines near Johannesburg. In 1886, Anglo American Mining Co. discovered gold at Witwatersrand and began operations.


Trends in productivity in the South African gold mining industry

SYNOPSIS. Mining companies globally are currently facing severe economic and financial challenges. In addition to global challenges, the South African mining industry has to face other operational challenges that are unique to the country and which threaten the survival and competitiveness of the industry.


Coal Mining in South Africa: A Comprehensive Overview

2023年5月16日  Coal mining in South Africa has played a pivotal role in the country's development and industrialization. Dating back to the late 19th century, the discovery of rich coal reserves spurred the growth of mining towns, stimulated economic activity, and fueled the expansion of key industries.


The Platinum Industry in South Africa - RSA Regions

By SM Sourav (), Student of the Postgraduate in African Business Studies and Paul N. Ngang (LinkedIn; email), Director of the Postgraduate in African Business Studies, Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Mechelen, Belgium.This article provides a thorough overview of the platinum industry in Africa, specifically focusing on South Africa. It delves into the


In brief: mining rights and title in South Africa - Lexology

2021年5月27日  A look at some of the key legal and practical considerations surrounding mining rights and title in South Africa, including the extent of state control, renewal and transfer of licences, and ...


Harmful mining activities, environmental impacts and effects

2017年12月5日  In South Africa, the right to a clean environment is constitutionally guaranteed. However, this right is being violated on a daily basis by the mining companies who degrade and harm the ...


Diamond exploration and mining in southern Africa: Some

2019年2月1日  In more than 150 years of mining history, southern Africa has consistently been the dominant producer of the world's diamond supply (McKechnie, 2019), producing some of the world's largest and ...

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