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MoreThe CM 290 Cemotec™ laboratory grinder is ideal for preparation of grain and seed samples without loss of moisture for NIR or reference analysis. Safety is in focus and a modern design allows easy operation and maintenance.
MoreMerek : Agrowindo. Kapasitas : 500 kg / jam. Power : 50 HP. Dimensi mesin : 266 cm x 115 cm x 158 cm. Cutting size : 10 mm. Bahan : plat mild steel. Harga : Rp 67.320.000. Mesin
More2020-06-10T13:06:53+00:00; processus de broyage d échantillons cemotec 1090. La granulométrie optimisée dans le processus de Les valeurs D diminuent lors de la comparaison
MoreTecator Cemotec 1090 Sample Mill . grinds grain and seed samples without losing moisture content; used for sample preparation with moderate requirements for fineness and uniformity
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MoreThe CM 290 Cemotec™ is specially designed to grind grain and seed samples without losing moisture content. It is an excellent mill for all types of sample preparation where the
MoreBroyeur de laboratoire - CM 290 Cemotec™ - FOSS. Le broyeur de laboratoire CM 290 Cemotec™ est idéal pour la préparation d'échantillons de céréales et de graines sans perte
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