2020年8月1日 Here, we investigate electrolytic alternatives, reviewing the background and recent developments for four classes of electrolytes to directly decompose the most important
More2022年7月12日 Due to the formation of Fe 2+ and Cu 2+ during the leaching process, chalcopyrite will also be reduced to chalcocite (Cu 2 S). Compared with chalcopyrite, Cu 2
More2012年1月1日 A detailed review of chalcopyrite deposits, production and consumption, mining, ore processing, steps involved in the pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing of copper as well as the dissolution
More28 行 Dutrizac and MacDonald investigated the dissolution of chalcopyrite under dump leaching with addition of chloride (NaCl, 6 g/L) and found that the process of the leaching in
MoreThe leaching behavior of six different copper sulfide ore minerals has been studied: chalcopyrite from Bad Grund (Germany), chalcocite and bornite from Kesebol (Sweden), and digenite from Repparfjord (Norway), as well as
More2019年12月13日 In this study, a solvometallurgical process for the extraction of copper from sulfidic ore minerals (chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite and digenite) was developed by using an organic lixiviant (FeCl 3 as oxidizing agent and
MoreThe need to process low-grade and/or complex chalcopyrite-contg. ores that cannot be concd. is the main driver for the development of hydrometallurgical processes. The ferric sulfate-sulfuric acid system, with or without the
More2014年11月1日 Chalcopyrite was replaced by bornite under all studied conditions. The reaction proceeds via an interface coupled dissolution-reprecipitation (ICDR) mechanism and
Morekinetics and microbial studies of chalcopyrite ore were discussed. Keywords Copper and Chalcopyrite, Ore processing, Hydrometallurgy, Pyrometallurgy, Dissolution Kinetics, Biohydrometallurgy . 1. Introduction . Chalcopyrite is derived from the Greek words “ chalkos ”, copper and “ pyrites ” strike fire and it is also known as
More2019年11月5日 In this study, a solvometallurgical process for the extraction of copper from sulfidic ore minerals (chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite and digenite) was developed by using an organic lixiviant ...
More2023年9月5日 Chalcopyrite is a mineral and ore of copper. Its chemical composition is CuFeS2, meaning it contains copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and sulfur (S). Chalcopyrite is one of the most important copper ores and is widely distributed in various geological environments. It is often found in association with other sulfide minerals.
MoreWe report the investigation of a chalcopyrite leaching process that implements millimeter-sized glass beads that are stirred in the leach reactor to combine particle grinding, mechanical activation, and surface removal of reaction products. The paper focuses on demonstrating the impact of the so-called attrition-leaching phenomenon on the leaching rate of a chalcopyrite
MoreChalcopyrite Primary Use: Copper Ore. Chalcopyrite is primarily mined for its copper content, which makes it a vital source of copper for various industries. Dominant Source: Due to its abundance and relative ease of extraction compared to other copper-containing minerals, chalcopyrite reigns supreme as the primary copper ore.
More2023年9月30日 The present study provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities in processing complex gold-copper ores. The systematic literature review was conducted using Scopus database and seven-step methodological approach. The study indicates that the major challenges in processing complex gold-copper ores through the conventional cyanidation
MoreChalcopyrite can be liberated, or in association with covelite, Development and optimization of mixed sulphide/oxide copper ore treatment at Kansanshi " 5!! 55 5 1255 "3/4,2.0%3+2.5+.2--4-5 '.2/1 "3/4,2.0%3+2.5+.2-- $ 0. Chalcopyrite Cp Chalcocite Cc Covellite Cv Chalcopyrite partially replaced by secondary
More2022年1月1日 Copper is an important metal used in many aspects of people’s lives, but there is an imbalance between its supply and demand [1].Medd [2], [3] investigated the global copper resource data and reported that the estimated Cu mineral reserves and mineral resources increased with an increase in global copper production. However, the ore mineralogy is
Moregrade chalcocite ore. Until further data becomes available it seems reasonable to regard chalcocite as a good conductor, probably with good connectivity (noted by Shuey, 1975), ranking below chalcopyrite and above pyrite in conductivity. Concluding remarks Chalcocite manifests a good, but not excellent, mesoscale
More2023年7月13日 This chapter describes the important copper ore Chalcocite (abbrv. cc), as seen with optical, reflected light microscopy. Compositional data, main properties and optical parameters are first summarized (introductory table and preliminary remarks). The microscopic description of the ore is then presented, following a systematic scheme.
Moreof pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, and molybdenite, which each react differently in processing methods using sulfuric acid-ferric sulfate leach solutions. Leaching studies of chalcopyrite (e.g., Cordoba´ et al. 2008) and other copper bearing minerals using acidic Fe3þ solutions determined relative recovery amounts
More2017年11月10日 Heap leaching of chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) yields much lower copper recoveries that those obtained from leaching chalcocite (Cu 2 S) ores. The low recoveries are thought to be caused by the deposition of reaction products on the chalcopyrite surfaces, forming a passivating layer that hinders dissolution of the mineral (Watling, 2013).The nature of the passivating layer
Moreis largely confined to oxide ores and secondary sulfides such as chalcocite and covellite. The knowledge gained from the study of those minerals has been widely applied in heap and tank leaching operations, allowing efficient treatment of secondary copper ores. Chalcopyrite, the most abundant copper-bearing mineral, is known to be recalcitrant to
More2014年11月1日 We report the replacement of chalcopyrite by bornite under hydrothermal conditions in solutions containing Cu(I) and hydrosulfide over the temperature range 200–320 °C at autogenous pressures.
Moregrade chalcocite ore. Until further data becomes available it seems reasonable to regard chalcocite as a good conductor, probably with good connectivity (noted by Shuey, 1975), ranking below chalcopyrite and above pyrite in conductivity. Concluding remarks Chalcocite manifests a good, but not excellent, mesoscale
MoreFig. 11 illustrates that following an activation period of 1 h and leaching for 4 h, chalcocite and covellite phases vanished, along with a notable decrease in the peak intensity of chalcopyrite. This phenomenon suggests pronounced microstructural changes in chalcopyrite ores, leading to their preferential leaching.
MoreChalcopyrite can be liberated, or in association with covelite, Development and optimization of mixed sulphide/oxide copper ore treatment at Kansanshi " 5!! 55 5 1255 "3/4,2.0%3+2.5+.2--4-5 '.2/1 "3/4,2.0%3+2.5+.2-- $ 0. Chalcopyrite Cp Chalcocite Cc Covellite Cv Chalcopyrite partially replaced by secondary
More2008年4月1日 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy ... This paper reports on a study of column bioleaching of a low-grade chalcopyrite ore that is currently dump-leached under natural biological conditions without any ... reduced environmental problems compared to conventional metal recovery processes such as smelting. Expand. 382. Save.
More2018年4月3日 ABSTRACT The effect of controlling the redox potential (Eh) on chalcopyrite bioleaching kinetics was studied as a new aspect of redox control during chalcopyrite bioleaching, and its mechanism was investigated by employing the “normalized” solution redox potential (Enormal) and the reaction kinetics model. Different Eh ranges were established by